WHOIS Domain Lookup

Discover who owns a website. Whether you’re looking to purchase a domain or identify its owner, use our WHOIS search tool. Simply enter the domain name to access essential details, such as availability, ownership, creation date, and expiration.

Find out who owns a website.

Use our WHOIS lookup tool to verify domain name availability or find the contact details of a domain owner.

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Frequently Asked Question

A domain name can be legally owned or held by any person, entity or organization, also known as domain registrant.

Using the WHOIS lookup tool is easy. You can simply enter the domain name whose information you’d like to view into the search field on the WHOIS main page.

It’s easy to update your WHOIS contact information. Just Contact Ezee2Host Contact and they will help you to update your Domain Whois Data.

The WHOIS domain database is a listing of all registered domains, and is regularly used for various legal purposes. Network administrators use the WHOIS lookup to identify and fix problems. For instance, WHOIS information can be used to check domain name availability, identify trademark infringement, and keep domain name registrants accountable.

Since registrants’ contact data can change, registrars such as Public Domain Registrar must provide annual opportunities for domain owners to review and edit their WHOIS domain data. According to ICANN’s rules, refusing to update this information or providing false data can lead to the suspension or cancellation of domains.

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is in charge of all things related to a WHOIS lookup. The organization launched in 1998 because the internet had grown to a point where a formal organization was necessary to handle all the maintenance and procedures involved with keeping the world online.

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